Samstag, September 18, 2010

Da'wa am Nordpol

Darauf hat man am Nordpol unbedingt gewartet: Islamische Missionierung (Wikipedia hält sich natürlich bedeckt) im ewigen Eis. Vielleicht berücksichtigt man ja beim Bau der Moschee das architektonische Vorbild eines Iglus - zwecks (formaler) Integration etc.....

City Near North Pole To Have Mosque
The city of Inuvik, situated near the North Pole in Canada, is to be the site of a $750,000 mosque for its 80-odd Muslim residents.

Donations for the mosque's construction were collected by Saudi physician and journalist Dr. Hussein Saud Qasti, who lives in Canada.

The building was constructed some 3,000 km away from Inuvik, and is being transported section by section on giant trucks.
Quelle: MEMRI (, 15. September 2010.

Siehe auch die Kolumne "Schaschlik" bei HEPLEV

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